Reframing the value and worth of Black Trans people in NYC and beyond
through arts/media/political education/and community organizing
#blacktranseverything #blacktransfutures #blacktransloveiswealth #spaceistheplace

"This is What Trans Love Really Looks Like"
On Feb. 12, Trans Pride NYC gathered a vibrant group of trans-identified story tellers and creatives to share their experiences with love during an event entitled "Kiss Me, I'm Trans." The evening was a moving testament to the ways their experiences are uniquely shaped by the various meanings given to and perceptions of their bodies, as well as by the consistent threat and reality of violence.
"Black, Red, and Blue: Sasha Alexander On the Policing of Black Trans Bodies"
"To Be Black, Trans, and Brilliant : Sasha Alexander "
"Living Color : Love is Revolutionary When Your Black and Transgender"
"10 Trans Women of Color in Love"
February 12, 2015
ELIXHER joined forces with dynamic trans community leaders of color and grassroots groups to profile how beautiful and powerful love looks for 10 trans women of color. This piece would not exist without Ashley Love of Black Trans * Women’s Lives Matter, Bali White, L’lerrét Jazelle Ailith, Monica Roberts of TransGriot, and Olympia Perez and Sasha Alexander of Black Trans Media. - See more at: http://elixher.com/10-trans-women-of-color-in-love/#sthash.MVky10Mv.dpuf