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Reframing the value and worth of Black Trans people in NYC and beyond
through arts/media/political education/and community organizing
#blacktranseverything #blacktransfutures #blacktransloveiswealth #spaceistheplace

produces and supports the creation of poetry, music, photography, filmmaking, movement, storytelling, writing and the exhibition of
black trans producers, artists, and organizers working for justice and liberation.
ISLAN (Won't you Celebrate) ft. Lucille Clifton - Sasha Alexander BLACK TRANS MEDIA
00:00 / 00:00
We hold workshops, retreats, screenings, and events to share and build media making, leadership, and organizing skills of black trans people.
Please donate to help make this work possible!
You're listening to "ISLAN (WON'T YOU CELEBRATE) by Sasha Alexander of Black Trans Media
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